People Magazine has a few things going in its favor this week.
The next big win for People is that it convinced yet another star to pose in a bikini after losing weight.
Melissa Joan Hart is the latest celebrity to appear on People Magazine announcing their weight loss.
She has lost some addition weight, which brings Melissa Joan Hart’s weight loss to a total of about 42 pounds or so. She should be proud of reaching her weight-loss goal, and it is great that she wants to share her experience with others.
Looking at Melissa Joan Hart’s new 113-lb. bikini body, it’s hard to believe it was only last summer she felt “horrified” by the unflattering bathing suits shots taken of her at a Southern California beach.
Reclaiming her slim figure took Hart 14 months of hard work."It didn't happen by magic – it was as hard for me as it would be for anyone," Melissa Joan Hart says. "I didn't want to take any time away from my sons."
Hart says there are enormous pressures put on by a public that has grown accustomed to seeing stars get back in skinny jeans mere weeks after giving birth, not to mention anorexic waifs like Lindsay Lohan flaunting their rib cages hard.
Her inspiration to finally get back in the best shape of her life? The women in her life, including her friend, actress Jaime Pressly, who has a son, Dezi, 2.
"I realized I didn't have to be heavy just because I have kids," she says. Adds Pressly: "She took the time to take care of herself. I'm blown away."
Hart says there are enormous pressures put on by a public that has grown accustomed to seeing stars get back in skinny jeans mere weeks after giving birth, not to mention anorexic waifs like Lindsay Lohan flaunting their rib cages hard.
Her inspiration to finally get back in the best shape of her life? The women in her life, including her friend, actress Jaime Pressly, who has a son, Dezi, 2.
"I realized I didn't have to be heavy just because I have kids," she says. Adds Pressly: "She took the time to take care of herself. I'm blown away."
To get back in bikini shape, Hart worked with nutritionist Derek Johnson at New Metabolism to change her diet. She also hit the gym with her trainer Mark Harari at Pulse Fitness Studio.
As for how she feels now? "I feel amazing!" she says. "I had to prove to myself that I could do it. I had to give it a go!"
As for how she feels now? "I feel amazing!" she says. "I had to prove to myself that I could do it. I had to give it a go!"
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